Episode #24 The Crown “Wolferton Splash”

The Crown “Wolferton Splash”

Welcome to the Pilots and Petards Podcast! This is the podcast with nothing much ado about aircrafts, and potentially everything ado with first episodes of a filmic series. Join Mo, Drew, and Jimbo as they cast judgement and determine if the royal drama The Crown will be hoisted, or not hoisted: that is the question!

Follow their blog so you can contribute to the pre-recording discussions. Subscribe on your local podcast app or itunes. Pilots and Petards are also on twitter, instagram, and facebook.


Next Week: Black-ish

Plugs: Thank you Liam for the itunes review and choosing The Crown. Pilots and Petards official closing music is an instrumental Entheos remix of Alive. Intro, outro, and ad background music mixed by Jake Drew.

Shop Talk: Who can tell what stories


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